We firmly believe the most effective tutoring takes place in one of our centers on a one-to-one basis. Simply put, there is no substitute for face-to-face learning. However, we also recognize the need for some students to have access to high quality tutoring and test prep via modern technology.
We are proud to offer our unique iCollaborate learning platform for both ACT prep and specific subject tutoring. All iCollaborate sessions must be scheduled through our Park Ridge office and are limited to the availability of our tutors. iCollaborate is a real-time tutoring platform utilizing live video feeds, voice, and white board. Learn more here.
We are also proud to offer VOLT – Virtual On Line Tutoring. VOLT is our 24/7/365 tutoring solution for high school students needing assistance with math and/or science homework. ACT test prep is NOT available through VOLT. In our VOLT platform, students log on and are connected with an expert tutor who can answer their math or science homework questions. Volt features Whiteboard technology with instant messaging features; there is no real time video or voice over. Learn more here.